Couldn’t find anything in terms of resizing canvas. My graphics are bigger than the canvas and that’s ok, want to auto crop them once I resize the canvas to size needed.
I am on Windows 10, version9.2.1
Couldn’t find anything in terms of resizing canvas. My graphics are bigger than the canvas and that’s ok, want to auto crop them once I resize the canvas to size needed.
I am on Windows 10, version9.2.1
The canvas itself is infinite. If you are talking about a frame, then you can change its size by dragging a control point in one of the corners:
Georg, sorry I come from a different background, where the canvas usually has a finite size.
So if I wanted to start with a finite size that would be the frame?
OK< so in this case I have a frame and the layer graphic is spilling outside of it, and that is ok, doing a skrim design for a music band and the album art is too big as it’s from an LP (front and back).
SO if I want to trim all that spillage, how do I do that? In your example the spillage would be the parts of the leaf that are outside of the rectangle, I need to chop them off.