[Bug] Edit shape problem after deleting a vertice

  1. I created a rectangle(shape).
  2. I entered in edit shape mode.
  3. I deleted a vertice and moved the other ones in different positions,
  4. I selected and deselected the shape several times by clicking on Artboard and shape.

Problem: One of the vertices will start to move from its normal position.

Please check the screenshot bellow.


PS: All my best in solving the problem.

Deletion of vertices will be fixed in version 3.14. The usage of this functionality is demonstrated on the video:o: https://community.icons8.com/uploads/default/original/1X/a14e9029b4d121a5c5c10ae60a8051a55a6e4c2a.mp4

Thank you. I’m very happy you could solve this issue. I just wait to use the feature. All my best!