Duplicating Components Puts New Component in Random Locations


First, I adore this product. Thank you for creating and maintaining it!

Can you please help me with this issue. I trust it is an operator error and not a bug.

When I create Duplicates of components, they randomly appear – sometimes what is like miles away from where I created them. This is a HUGE time suck and impacts my efficience.

See this brief 2 min video for exactly what I am talking about.

Example of Issue

Thank you so much for the advice!!!


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Hi Stephen!

First off, thank you for the comprehensive feedback! And for the video, especially :blush:

Now, to avoid duplicates appearing randomly on the canvas, try duplicating objects by dragging them to the preferred place while holding ⎇Alt. Here’s more info on how to work with duplication in Lunacy.

Oh that is so cool! Click and use ALT to duplicate to where I want.

Thanks so much. I may have another question about the implications of using Duplicate vs. Copy… but I’ll read up before I ask.

You’re welcome!

Feel free to ask any additional questions :slight_smile: