Fluency / Fluent icon set


Where is the Fluent / Fluency icon set? I can’t seem to find it

You may find it here: Fluency Icons - Download Free Icons | PNG and SVG


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Hi, I am not seeing the Fluent/Fluency set anymore. Any info on what happened?


Hey there,

You can find the Fluency set here: icons8.com/icons/fluency

Thanks, they seem to be back but yesterday I was getting a “not found” page when I went to icons8.com/icons/fluency-systems-regular.

There were some technical issues last night, but everything is back to normal now :+1:


They seem to be gone again?

It looks like they are back again :grinning: Can you see them now?

Yes they re-appeared!

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The Fluency set is back to work now: Fluency Icons - Download Free Icons | PNG and SVG