Mac app not showing styles

My mac app shows all icons but only in a single style, and I have no options to change style or colour. Any suggestions?

Hello, try one thing first! Please close the app, then reset the settings using this terminal command: “defaults delete com.visualpharm.icons8”. Run the app again. All should work fine after that. Just in case if you would encounter a problem again you may try “killall cfprefsd” terminal command. Hope, all will be well! Let us know how it will be going )))

That worked thanks!

It is great to hear that all is well now )))

Same problem here. terminal did not help. This is my screen:


Using the old icons8 lite from the mac appstore, it looks like this:


If you have the latest version of the app, you just have to place the cursor on the left side of the app window and drag it to the right side.Here is a short video how to do it:

Thanks, tried that, worked. But rather negative from a UX view - there’s no hint that you can do that. Can you improve that?

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I see your point. We’ll consider changing it :slight_smile: