Stock Photos are insane, creepy, unusable

I want to request stock photos that are less creepy.

I just did a few searches for running, exercising, healthy lifestyle, trash, pollution… These are relatively general searches, and the results are often plentiful, but unusable or buried under unusable “photos”.

If any of the “models” are actually doing what I search for, they are also doing something else that is bizarre, like making a face, holding an unrelated object, gesturing, or in a bad location. Yes, I can remove the background, but still… Does anyone look at what your bots create before publishing?Please tell me these are not real models being directed by a photographer during a studio shoot.

Moose claims to be “Stock photos by a movie-scale crew”…

I have a Legacy plan, and every week I struggle to find uses for Icons8 assets to justify the expense. I do eventually find some good stuff in your suite, but I have to search for a long time.

Why would this put a trash bag on top of his head? Who is this picture helping?

Thank you for taking the time to research and write your feedback! Let’s try to take a look at it together and see what we could improve.

You’ve offered some good examples of basic searches, and I’ve checked them out to see what we have. Some of them seem to be ok, but I get your point, there are some obstacles that make it tricky to find exactly what you need.

1000+ Running Stock Photos & Pictures for Free - running people in different locations, with different facial expressions. Some of the photos are not so relevant, though.

1000+ Exercising Stock Photos & Pictures for Free - people exercising casually. This one looks ok to me.

1000+ Trash Stock Photos & Pictures for Free - trash bins in the first place, followed by photos of people collecting trash. Not bad.

When looking for photos, I’ve noticed that a search request often results in many pictures from the same photoshoot together. Probably, the best way would be to show just one or two of them followed by another couple of pictures from a different shoot. Besides, some of the less relevant photos go upper than the most relevant ones.

I’ll share a secret: we are planning a revamp of our photo stock. There will be many more photos, plenty of variations, and some AI tools that will allow you to find/create what you need.

While we are working on this, I’d like to offer some quick workarounds:

  1. You can combine keywords to find photos that suit you best:

  2. Using the “similar photos” feature (you can find it below each photo). It may help you find more photos from the same photoshoot or with the same model.

  1. Clicking on a tag/model’s name to find more related photos. Tags are located on the right side of each photo, as well as the model’s names.

Speaking about the last photo, couldn’t we use it as a metaphor for plastic pollution? Cause if we don’t reduce the use of plastic, that’s how we’ll end up eventually.

Thank you for getting back to me!
Let’s look at it together.

1000+ Running Stock Photos & Pictures for Free
Do any of these people looked dressed to run?
Most of them look uncoordinated, or like they’re fake running in the “photo”.

1000+ Exercising Stock Photos & Pictures for Free
The photos of the girl doing yoga are good. The guy in white t-shirt looks like he’s never exercised before. A bunch of the models are wearing non-exercise attire. The basketball player meditating on one leg with eyes closed and both middle fingers up… that’s my favorite. Scroll down on that page, look at the entire photo shoot, and tell me you’ve seen basketball players warm up like that… ever… Also no basketball or hoop in that photo shoot…

1000+ Trash Stock Photos & Pictures for Free
I guess the recycling bins and trash cans are fine.
But the pictures of the guys picking up trash don’t make sense. They’re wearing kinda nice clothes. It’s almost like they’re doing community service, but they didn’t know they were gonna pick up trash. They interact too much with each other and the camera. They toss the trash around, put it in their mouths, on their heads, and then they touch their faces with their gloves on…

When do you plan to revamp the stock photos? Will you survey your subscribers to get more accurate content?

I’ve used the tags, models, and photographers to aid my search. It helps, but still doesn’t improve the “photos”.

This is still tough for me to swallow.
“Stock photos by a movie-scale crew”

I hear your plastic pollution metaphor, and despite the model’s blase expression, I will agree.
But still I ask you, how useful is the photo?

Thanks for all the details. We will take them into account when working on our new Moose. One of our main goals is to make it more flexible and give our users an opportunity to tailor search results to their needs.
It’s a long process, so I can’t give you an ETA at the moment.
By the way, we’ll be happy to offer you a 25% discount on your Legacy plan. If you are interested, just DM me here or contact our support