SVG exported incorrectly on MacOS 15.1 Dev Beta

When I export a project to SVG files, the following problems are to be found:

  • The lines inside of the ‘Farm’ artboard are placed at incorrect positions
  • The fill for the main vector in the ‘Research Lab’ artboard is slightly offset to the left.
  • The border of the main vector in the ‘Assembly Line’ artboard is darker than intended
  • The little spots on the bread in the ‘Bakery’ artboard cannot be seen
  • The slight white shadow of the rounded squares above the billboard-like vector in the ‘Marketing Team’ does not appear.

Editor screenshot

Incorrectly exported SVGs
SVG of ‘Assembly Line’ artboard

SVG of ‘Bakery’ artboard

SVG of ‘Marketing Team’ artboard

SVG of ‘Research Team’ artboard

SVG of ‘Farm’ artboard

Hello there,

Could you please share your OS and Lunacy versions? It would be great if you could update to the latest Lunacy beta, too.

In order to do that you need to download the installer directly from our website and then enable beta updates: Help → About → :ballot_box_with_check:Check for Beta Updates:

I am using a MacOS 15.1 Developer Beta (24B5035e),on an M2 MacBook Air with 8GB of RAM. I am using Lunacy version (beta). Updating to this version has not resolved the problem, and has the same problems as before.

Do you mind sharing the project file in the DMs?