The pen tool cannot remove the handle on one side

The pen tool cannot remove the handle on one side! The picture material cannot be distorted or slanted!

Please, describe step by step your actions that led to this result. Can also you attach a screencast showing this issue? It will help a lot!

Hi, the original poster seems to have bundled 2 question in 1. The main question is this:

The pen tool doesn’t allow for creation of certain corner type of bezier point where one of the two handles (control points) is retracted into the anchor point. This creates specific type of curve that is essential for anyone actually drawing something with beziers!

In Adobe Illustrator and Affinity Designer, that is achieved by Ctrl+clicking on the control point that we want to retract.

bezier_with corner_points


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Really getting going with Lunacy and just tried scouring the docs for how to remove a single bezier handle and can’t find any info. I’m in the same situation as OP and need to be able to remove one handle like you can do in all other vector editing software. Is there a hidden shortcut or is this literally just not possible?

Hi @izumitelj @justin

This is planned, but can’t say for sure when the feature will be released. For now you can hide them by using the Disconnected type of points and dragging the second handle into the point.

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