Trigger hand tool instead of writing a blank character

Lunacy version: pop!_os 22.04 LTS
OS version: 9.1.0
PACKAGE: flatpak

ISSUE: When I try to change or write a new text and I press the space key to enter a new blank space this does not happen, the hand tool appears instead.

I also installed the deb package and it has the same problem.

Same for me - Lunacy 9.1 on Ubuntu 20.04, installed through snap.

Steps to reproduce - start lunacy, create new local document, add an artboard, add a text box and type into it, spaces do not appear in text, but cursor changes to hand whilst space is being pressed.

Install previous version through deb package and I do not get this issue.

Side note - the default text colour seems to be white, but in previous versions it was not.

We’re already working on fixing this issue. I’ll let you know when it’s done!

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